
Pipeline Configuration

Pipeline Parameter

Pipeline SSCP Parameter Tool
1. Quality Control FastQC, Cutadapt
2. Sentieon BWA Mapping Sentieon
3. Sentieon Sort SAM Sentieon
4. Sentieon Mark Duplicates Sentieon
5. Sentieon Base Recalibration Sentieon
6. Sentieon Apply BQSR Sentieon
7. Sentieon Coverage Metrics Sentieon
8. Sentieon Haplotype Caller Sentieon
9. Hard Filter VCF Python Script
10. Pile Up Python Script
11. Annotation Annovar Annovar
12. Annotation VEP Variant Effect Predictor
13. Annotation Oncotator Python Script
14. Annotation Combination Python Script
15. HGMD Alignement Python Script
16. OMIM Alignment Python Script
17. Strand Depth Python Script
18. Region Based Annotation Python Script
19. Customized VCF Filter Python Script
20. Upload To OBS / Publish Output Python Scrip
Pipeline STCP Parameter Tool
1. Sentieon Trio Haplotype Caller Sentieon
2. Hard Filter VCF Python Script
3. Pile Up Python Script
4. Annotation Annovar Annovar
5. Annotation VEP Variant Effect Predictor
6. Annotation Oncotator Python Script
7. Annotation Combination Python Script
8. HGMD Alignement Python Script
9. OMIM Alignment Python Script
10. Strand Depth Python Script
11. Region Based Annotation Python Script
12. Customized VCF Filter Python Script
13. Upload To OBS / Publish Output Python Script

WES Database Details

Database Introduction Annotation tool
Ensembl 重要 Genome Browser Variant Effect Predictor
CCDS 由人工解读过的精华转录本 Variant Effect Predictor
Refseq 包含DNA,转录本,蛋白质 Variant Effect Predictor
gnomAD 人群频率数据库 Variant Effect Predictor
1000 Genomes Project 人群频率数据库 Variant Effect Predictor
TOPmed 人群频率数据库 Variant Effect Predictor
PrimateAI 基于基因进化保守性的评分 Variant Effect Predictor
SpliceAI 预测剪切突变 Variant Effect Predictor
CADD 人工智能打分 Variant Effect Predictor
GERP 保守型评估 Variant Effect Predictor
HGMD 致病突变数据库 Customized Tool
Clinvar 致病突变数据库 Customized Tool

WES database append

Database Introduction Annotation tool
OMIM 孟德尔遗传病基因数据库 Customized Tool
MGI 小鼠模型数据库 Customized Tool
gnomAD Gene Matrix gnomAD 数据库计算的矩阵 Customized Tool
Blacklist 基因突变黑名单 Customized Tool
NearestGene 附近基因序列注释 Customized Tool
FATHMM MKL 基因注释的隐马尔可夫模型 Customized Tool